If I could write a 5-paragraph essay telling you what Braid is about, then why wouldn't I just write that essay and post it on my web page? Then I wouldn't have needed to spend 3 years making the game! That would have been a lot easier.

The reason I made Braid is because it was the only way to express those particular ideas. Someday, far in the future, the ocean, maybe. Or at least a small river leading into the lake. And then if you don't try to contain the water at all, if you instead just point to where it is, you can point at a whole lake. But if you cup an open hand, instead of clutching, you can hold a little more. It's like trying to clutch a handful of water very tightly the water runs through your fingers and you end up with almost none. If I were to make some kind of statement about what the game is about - even a very long, elaborate and well-considered statement - it would miss. It's that way because it was the only way I knew how to get at the central idea, which is something big and subtle and resists being looked at directly. The narrative in Braid is not being obscure just for obscurity's sake. Not really, because I would not be capable of doing that. When you see people trying to piece together the narrative of the game from the fragments you provided, is it tempting for you to just wade in and lay it all out for them?

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